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Heat Seal Re-Carding Service

Beggar's Canyon is proud to offer a Heat Seal Re-Carding Service for all of the card-backs that we offer. 


                                       HOW IT WORKS:


*You click and purchase this Service Product just like any other item, a quantity of one per figure, ($30ea character, this includes the card back, bubble,  and or tray and coin where applicable.) For other items, see below. 


*Once your figures are ready to mail in,  please email us and let us know.  This way, we can keep an eye out for them and let you know when they arrive. 


The address is:

Beggars Canyon Toys

P.O. Box 351

Willoughby, Ohio 44094



*In the comment box below, indicate which figure(s) you'll be sending,  so that we can have the parts ready for processing when your figures arrive.


*Please note that any missing weapons and/or accessories will NOT be included in this service.   However, we do offer a variety of replacement parts for sale, please see our menu.


*If you desire touch ups, or GI Joe's, o-rings replaced, it will be extra, depending on how intensive and quantity. (email and ask Scott)


*POTF replica coins are included with the recarding of POTF figures.  If you have original POTF coins that you would like carded as well,  just please be sure to include them with your figures. 


*This service takes time, and turn around time is based on how busy we are with orders, shop maintenance, life, etc. We say it time and time again, quality takes time, the quality we are known around the world for, so please be patient with us, we appreciate it, and your collection will too when it is complete. :) -Team Canyon. 


*Return shipping is paid as shipping when paying for the service itself, and is automatically calculated per item and quanitity.    


*Star Cases are Not Included , but are available on our supplies page. 

Heat Seal Re-Carding Service

  • *A discount of 10% can be applied to orders of Ten Figures, or more, being Heat Seal Re-carded.  

    *Orders of 20 or more figures being heat seal re-carded, inc Free Return Shipping.  

    *Please contact us and ask for either of these discounts and we can invoice you directly with a Wix invoice from our website. 

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